COVID-19 FAQ's 8-26



COVID-19 FAQ’s #2


Thank you to those parents who forwarded additional questions regarding our COVID-19 planning!  We are pleased to be able to answer them below, as well as add some new information. As partners in keeping our school community safe, we appreciate your patience, flexibility and understanding!


If I am keeping my child home from school because he or she is sick, how do I let the school know?

By 9:00 AM, parents should call the school at 882-7442 or email either [email protected] or [email protected] depending on which campus your child attends. Please be very specific about the symptoms your child is experiencing. You will receive a call from the school later in the day.


If my child is out sick, would he or she be livestreaming from home?

Livestreaming is intended for those who have elected to be full-time remote learners and those who are quarantined due to COVID restrictions. Like a “normal” school year, if a child is home with a short-term illness like a cold or stomachache, we hope he or she can simply rest and feel better!


Will parents be notified if a child or teacher has a confirmed case of COVID-19?

If we are notified that a child or teacher has a positive COVID-19 test result, we will notify parents in that classroom immediately. The student’s name will not be released. In addition, we will notify the State Department of Health and follow their guidance in regard to contact tracing and quarantining of students. 


What happens if a child gets sick at school with COVID symptoms?

The child will be moved to a space away from other students, and made as comfortable as possible by one of our school nurses, Mrs. Sheehan at the lower campus or Mrs. Zeman at the upper campus. The child’s parents will be called and must come to pick up their child immediately. The school nurse will document the child’s symptoms, evaluate whether any siblings must also leave the school, and discuss the symptoms with the parent once he or she has arrived. In addition, students in that classroom will be immediately moved to another location and the classroom will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. If appropriate, the school nurse will contact the State Department of Health.


My child has seasonal allergies. How can I be sure that no one thinks he/she has COVID-19 when sniffling in class?

All parents should notify the school nurse at their campus as soon as school begins if a child has seasonal allergies that include COVID symptoms like running/stuffy nose, headaches, coughing, etc.  Please email Mrs. Sheehan at [email protected] for lower campus students and Mrs. Zeman at [email protected] for upper campus students.


What should I be doing at home to help the school be safe for students and staff?

Parents are important partners in preventing the spread of COVID-19 at our school! Important parental tasks include:

  • Complete and return the initial COVID-19 student symptom survey found HERE on the first day of school.
  • Monitor your child/ren daily for any new COVID-19 symptoms listed in our original plan HERE. If your child develops any symptom, please keep him or her home and inform the school.
  • Do not cover your child’s fever by administering Tylenol before sending him or her to school. This is a serious illness and we are relying on parental cooperation to keep our students and staff safe.
  • Model and encourage your child/ren to follow all safety practices, including wearing a mask, washing hands, and standing at least 6 feet away from others. Using these practices at home and elsewhere will reinforce the same behavior at school.


Will Prekindergarten teachers help students get out of their cars?

In order to keep our teachers safe, they will not be reaching into cars to help students. Instead, parents should park and exit the car at the front of the line and help children exit the vehicle.


How do I pick up my child early for an appointment?

If you know that your child will need to leave school early for an appointment, please send a note in to school in the morning listing the time of dismissal and reason. When you arrive at school to pick up your child, please call the school office at 603-882-7442. We will notify your child’s teacher and let you know when you can come to the front door to sign out your student.


Will the water bubblers be available for students?

As recommended by the Department of Health and Safety, the water bubblers will not be accessible. Students should bring enough water in bottles from home to last the day. 


Can students wear the Wildcat logo gaiters that are being sold at Red Brick?

The gaiters being sold by Red Brick Clothing are not an official part of our daily uniform and were not approved by Saint Chris. Students are asked to wear cloth masks to school as recommended by the CDC and our state Health Department. However, students are welcome to wear the Wildcat gaiter to show their school spirit on the weekends.